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Quick Budget Actions

July 23, 2023

Mobile App Instructions

When it comes to managing your budget we want to make it as quick and easy as possible. With that in mind we have created tools to allow you to perform quick budget actions on multiple categories at once to minimize repetitive tasks.

When you check one or more categories a quick budget action center will appear on the bottom of the page. On top of being able to quickly take actions on multiple categories at once, you can also use it to sum up useful budget information for multiple categories.

  • Budgeted - The amount of dollars you have allocated towards the selected categories.
  • Activity - The amount of transaction activity for the selected categories. Both positive and negative amounts are summed.
  • Fund Short - The amount of money still needed based on your goals for the selected categories.
  • Goal - The total goal amount for the selected categories.
  • Balance - The total balance remaining for the selected categories.
  • Overspent - The total amount you have overspent for the selected categories. Sums the negative balances.
  • Overbudget - The total amount you have budgeted over the goal amount.

Quick Budget Action Center


After you have set your first month's budget, that goal is carried forward automatically into each new month. You can update it at any time. A useful way to stay on track with your long term goals, fixed expenses, and sinking fund


Zero Budget, Budget Half, and Budget Full buttons can be used to quickly fund your categories based on your goals. You can select as many categories as you would like. The amount displayed in the button is showing you how much is needed or how much you will get back into your available amount to budget.

Empty Budget

With empty budget you can quickly remove all the budgeted dollars for the month from one or many categories with a single click.

Budget Half

Budgeting half of your goal amount is a nice way to break up your month's goal into 2 chunks. This is especially useful if you don’t need that money until later in the month or in a future month. A convenient action for those who are utilizing the Half-Payment Budget Method.

Budget Full

Quickly fund the category for the month based on your goal. This is a great way to quickly set aside money for fixed expenses that you will need funded before your next paycheck. This can also be useful on your final paycheck of the month when you are going through and fully funding your categories.

Zero Balance

Zeroing the balance will automatically adjust the budgeted dollars to an amount that would make the categories balance $0. A good use for this quick action would be at the end of the month when you are looking to clear out any excess money in a category. If the category is not a sinking fund or a category you want to build up a balance for then you would zero it out at the end of the month, so you can use those excess dollars towards other goals. Also if you went over on some of your categories it will add money to fund the overspending.

We hope that utilizing some of these techniques will help you to spend less time managing your budget.

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